About Me

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My name's Alison but for reasons too long to go into I'm known as Cockney Blonde or CB for short. I've been rubber stamping for several years but now spend most of my time either knitting or crocheting. However, with the advent of a New Year I have bitten the bullet and am tackling my usually hated pastime of sewing. I've even bought 'Sewing for Dummies' to guide me on my way. I've been with my hubby Dave for 24 years and between us we have 4 kids and 5 grandkids. We also have 2 cats and a dog, the latter features as my 'photo' image. I used to be able to blog daily but these days I struggle to blog weekly. Hopefully now we are settled into our new home in the country, I can get back to a daily (well almost) update from the room I now have to share with hubby. No more personal crafting space for me!!! Thanks to all the blogs and sites I follow for all your brilliant inspiration, and thank you to everyone who finds the time to comment on my blog.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

So what am I making with these???

You may recall that I like to have several projects on the go at a time. Usually one on the sewing machine (above), one on the needles (below) and...
 one on the hook.....
I realised I hadn't blogged for a week, and in keeping with my resolution to try and blog regularly I was hunting around for something to show you. So I'm afraid its a tease of a post but I fully anticipate that at least 2 of these will be finished within the week.....now which 2??? You'll have to wait and see.

Now, if I had remembered my camera yesterday I could have shared many photos of a lovely day out with Neet (Hickydorums) and her other half. They had already discovered Blakemere Craft and Antique Centre a few weeks ago, so I met them there and after coffee we browsed the various buildings.

Back to ours for lunch where Cinderella (my hubby) had been slaving away all morning, and dog-sitting, and then back out (this time with Cinderella) so that I could introduce them to Lady Heyes, another craft and antique place. Part of my plan was to take Neet to Crab Apple Crafts, a card-making/scrapbooking shop. What a muppet!!! So busy starting at the opposite end of the place that by the time we reached the shop it had closed....it was 5pm!!! Where did that afternoon go?

Only one thing for it......    they will have to come over again and this time we'll start at Crab Apple Crafts. I should say that I did lead Neet into temptation by taking her into the quilting/fabric shop....nuff said.

Today's a lazy day as I have to balance a day of activity with a day of rest and this evening we're out to watch our beautiful grand-daughter in her first rhythmic gymnastics competition.

Enjoy your day, x

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're keeping busy, can't wait to see the finished projects
    Claire xx


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